Faster Than Light With the Point-Of-View Drive

Einstein's prohibition in his Special Theory of Relativity is not exactly against exceeding the speed of light, but being measured exceeding the speed of light - or, more specifically, against conveying information at faster than light speeds. As explained in this video narrated by Professor Ennui Pidawee, it's possible to exceed the speed of light so long as you use your own clock and your own subjective point-of-view.

Aside 1 (First Law of Universal Sanity) - Having a fixed speed of light keeps our universe sane. For example, if a spaceship approaching Earth at a speed faster than light sent a message, the spaceship would arrive before the message. Effect could precede cause. From the perspective of our hunter gatherer-derived nervous system, it seems weird that yardsticks shrink and clocks slow down the faster a thing goes. From the perspective of the universe, it is the price we pay for preserving causality. It is as if Einstein really discovered The First Law Of Universal Sanity - e.g., that the messenger shall not precede the message.

Aside 2 (other faster-than-light examples) - There are other examples of exceeding the speed of light. For instance, beyond the observable horizon of our ever expanding universe, bodies recede from each other at faster-than-light speeds. Here on Earth we are moving faster than light relative to unseen planets in distant parts of the universe. However, that's OK. Not only are those planets unseen, they are unseeable. Because the universe is expanding faster than light there is no possibility of messages being exchanged.

Another example of "superluminal" speed happens when "entangled" quantum particles, such as the particles produced when when radioative elements decay, are separated. These particles remain connected in some weird way, no matter how far apart they are. Measuring the property (say spin) of one particle instantly (and opositely) affects the corresponding property of the other particle according to the Heisenberg Uncertainy Principle. The distance between the particles has no affect. However, Special Relativity (and the sanity of the universe) is supposed to be preserved because (it is claimed) that no information can be conveyed in this manner.

Aside 2a (EPR Paradox) - The entanglement phenomenon prompted Einstein to join with scientists Podolsky and Rosen to propose the EPR Paradox. They said that because faster-than-light speeds were involved, the underlying Heisenberg Uncertainy Theory was wrong. This is in keeping with Einstein's statement "God does not play dice with the universe." Unfortunately, tests have demonstrated that the entanglement phenomenon is real. I don't know what this says about God - maybe that He has a mean sense of humor.

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