This is prompted by recent events (Oct 08) and by the term "slosh" used by David Brooks, Fareed Zakaria and others to describe the movement of capital around the globe. Quoting Brooks...
"We’re living in an age when a vast excess of capital sloshes around the world fueling cycles of bubble and bust. When the capital floods into a sector or economy, it washes away sober business practices, and habits of discipline and self-denial. Then the money managers panic and it sloshes out, punishing the just and unjust alike."
(with apologizes to WB Yeats and Alan Greenspan)
Turning and turning in a dance gone awry;
The politico cannot hear the politician;
Things fall apart; the center cannot hold;
Mere money is loosed upon the world;
Red-dimmed ink floods the marketplace, and everywhere;
The ceremony of civility is drowned;
The best know nothing while the worst;
Know everything;
Surely The Big D is at hand.
The Big D! Hardly are those words out;
When a vast newsreel image;
Troubles my sight; somewhere in the Great Heartland;
A shape with a bull’s body and the head of man;
A gaze blank and pitiless as Alan Greenspan;
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it;
Swarm angry eagles.
My vision fades but now I know;
That eight decades of stony sleep;
Have been vexed awake by the sound of anxious capital;
Sloshing toward
Waiting to be born.
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